Epic Iron Man Suit. Model X3000

36″ x 48″ x 1.5″ featuring Robert Downey Jr. in his Iron Man Suit. This piece matches the recent Wonder Woman created late last year.

Iron Man with The Avengers late silver age comic book, RDJ is featured with an assortment of Avengers towards the bottom. Background is my signature light blue pattern.

Back to back, 3′ x 4′ commissions conditioned me to welcome smaller pieces to work on. But this was a major accomplishment to my career, knowing fully I am capable to work large pieces and keep my focus on the details. As I tell my friends and client, I never let up. I refuse to “mail it in” and treat it like the rest of my work – bog or small. All effort and quality is a must.

Iron Man, made with candy wrappers